Lawsuit Power Home Remodeling Group

Teofilo Vasco filed a lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, alleging that they had violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 by making unauthorized calls to cell phones. Power Home Remodeling Group LLC eventually settled the case for $5.2 million, but not before demanding significant changes to their telemarketing methods. This class action lawsuit implicated over 1.1 million individuals who received these unsolicited calls.

The parties involved primarily include Teofilo Vasco, representing the class, and Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, as the defendant.

The cause of action stemmed from the violation of consumer rights under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, aiming to prevent such unsolicited communications. The relief being sought wasn’t only monetary compensation but also a mandate for Power Home to overhaul its telemarketing strategies to comply with legal standards.

The current status, following the court’s approval, marks the settlement as fair, reasonable, and adequate, ensuring immediate implementation of the agreed modifications in business practices.

Power Home Remodeling Group Class Action Lawsuit Explanation

Teofilo Vasco’s lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, stemming from claims of unsolicited calls to his cell phone, highlights a significant violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991. This legal action brought to light the intrusive nature of unsolicited telemarketing calls that many consumers face, setting a precedent for how businesses should engage in telemarketing practices. As an analytical observer, it’s clear that this class action lawsuit serves not only as a legal battle but as a crucial reminder of consumer rights protection.

The $5.2 million class action settlement demonstrates how the legal system is aware of the disruption these obnoxious calls cause. This settlement, deemed fair, reasonable, and adequate, also mandated immediate changes in Power Home Remodeling Group’s business practices, specifically regarding cell phone sales calls. The representation of over 1.1 million people who received these unsolicited calls underscores the widespread impact of Power Home’s actions.

From a detailed examination, the reduction of the plaintiff’s incentive service fee from $5,000 to $3,000 and the 9% class member claim response rate to the class notice offer insights into the class action’s dynamics.

Parties involved

In the lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, two primary parties emerge: the plaintiff, Teofilo Vasco, representing over a million aggrieved consumers, and the defendant, Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, accused of violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991. This pivotal legal battle centers around allegations of unsolicited marketing communications, thrusting both parties into a complex web of class action litigation.

Teofilo Vasco is at the forefront of this legal challenge, representing the collective annoyance and demand for justice of those who claim to have received numerous obnoxious calls. His representation extends beyond a personal grievance, symbolizing a united front against corporate overreach.

Power Home Remodeling, on the other hand, faces serious accusations that put its marketing practices under intense scrutiny. The unfolding of this class action litigation illuminates the intricate dynamics between corporate entities and consumer rights.

The Settlement Agreement, which a Magistrate Judge and a designated Claims Administrator are in charge of administering, is crucial to the resolution of this dispute.

Lawsuit Power Home Remodeling Group

The cause of action

At the heart of this legal battle lies a lawsuit filed under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, where the plaintiff’s accusation centers on receiving unwanted calls from Power Home Remodeling Group LLC. This pivotal piece of legislation, often abbreviated as TCPA, was designed to safeguard consumers from the intrusion of unsolicited telemarketing calls, requiring companies to obtain prior express consent before reaching out via telephone.

The crux of the lawsuit revolves around the absence of this express written consent, a fundamental breach of the TCPA’s stipulations.

Delving deeper, the case illuminates significant legal issues surrounding the sales-lead company’s business practices, particularly their method of obtaining and utilizing consumer contact information. Over 1.1 million class members agree with the plaintiff, Teofilo Vasco, who claims that Power Home routinely broke the TCPA by making unsolicited calls to his cell phone.

Relief being sought

At the heart of this litigation, the settlement proposes a notable $5.2 million compensation package aimed directly at individuals who’ve been on the receiving end of unsolicited calls on their cellular phones from Power Home. This figure isn’t just about addressing past grievances; it’s a statement towards ensuring accountability.

Moreover, the relief being sought extends beyond mere financial compensation. It mandates immediate alterations in Power Home’s business practices, specifically regarding their approach to cell phone sales calls. This aspect of the settlement underscores a commitment to not only rectify past missteps but to also pave the way for more respectful and compliant business conduct moving forward.

Integral to the relief framework is the establishment of a claims process. This mechanism is designed to facilitate the distribution of certain damages to class members, ensuring that those affected have a clear path to seeking redress.

Additionally, the litigation outlines that attorneys’ fees are to be capped at 25% of the common fund recovery, reflecting a balanced approach to compensating legal representation while prioritizing the victims’ compensation.

Lastly, a slight adjustment in the plaintiff’s incentive service fee, from $5,000 down to $3,000, further reflects an effort to maximize the relief allocated directly to the class members.

Key events and timeline

As we follow the lawsuit’s lifecycle, we can observe a crucial sequence of developments from Teofilo Vasco’s initial filing to the final approval of the $5.2 million settlement, each one characterized by clever legal maneuvers and adherence to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.

The journey began when Vasco filed a class action lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group LLC in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, challenging the sales-led company’s business practices under the Act. This move set the stage for a legal battle that would prompt significant changes in how Power Home approached cell phone sales calls.

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, the lawsuit’s development was subject to intense legal scrutiny. Over 1.1 million individuals who received unsolicited calls from Power Home on their cellular phones were identified as part of the class, satisfying the requirements for commonality, typicality, and adequate representation. This pivotal certification underscored the predominance and superiority of the class’s claims, leading to mediation and the eventual $5.2 million settlement.

Key arguments

In the lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, the core argument revolves around the company’s alleged violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 by making unsolicited calls to Teofilo Vasco’s cell phone. Analyzing the details, Power Home Remodeling faced accusations of employing aggressive sales-lead company’s business practices that breached federal law, specifically targeting individuals without their consent. This action prompted a class action lawsuit, underscoring the significant breach of privacy and potential harassment caused by such unsolicited communication.

Power Home Remodeling put forth several affirmative defenses in its legal strategy, including claims of obtained consent, lack of intent to violate the TCPA, and the assertion that the statute of limitations had expired. However, the United States District Court oversaw a negotiated settlement that not only addressed the immediate complaint but also mandated immediate changes in Power Home’s approach to cell phone sales calls.

This settlement, amounting to $5.2 million, underscored the legal advice for companies to adhere strictly to consumer protection laws, setting a precedent within the home improvement industry for compliance and ethical conduct. The agreement’s approval marked a pivotal moment, ensuring that over 1.1 million affected individuals, represented by Teofilo Vasco, had their grievances acknowledged and addressed.

Current status

The current status of the lawsuit against Power Home Remodeling Group underscores a pivotal shift in the company’s operational protocols, reflecting a broader industry move towards stringent adherence to consumer protection laws. The Court is now poised to give final approval to a negotiated settlement, a step that marks a significant juncture in this legal proceeding.

This stage of the lawsuit reveals that both parties have reached an agreement that ostensibly serves the interests of affected consumers while allowing the company to rectify its practices.

The journey to this point has involved meticulous legal scrutiny and negotiations aimed at crafting a settlement that addresses the grievances aired in the lawsuit. The opportunity to file objections or opt-out has been provided to the class members, ensuring their rights are respected throughout this process.

As we await the Court’s decision to approve the negotiated settlement, the current status reflects a critical phase where the legal system’s capacity to facilitate resolution and enforce corporate accountability is tested.


The implications extend beyond the courtroom. For Power Home Remodeling, it necessitated changes in how they approach consent and communication with potential customers. This serves as a critical lesson for other companies within the industry, highlighting the importance of adapting business practices to align with legal standards. Moreover, the wake-up call this litigation presents can’t be overstated. It emphasizes the need for businesses to meticulously adhere to TCPA regulations, thereby mitigating the risk of incurring hefty litigation expenses.

In essence, the settlement propels a broader reflection on ethical and compliant communication strategies within the business community.


Analyzing the aftermath of the lawsuit, it’s clear that reactions to the Power Home Remodeling Group’s $5.2 million settlement have varied widely, showcasing a spectrum of opinions among consumers, industry insiders, and legal experts.

The consensus among affected consumers seems to hover between relief and skepticism. Many express satisfaction that there’s been acknowledgment of the intrusive sales-lead company’s business practices. However, some are wary, questioning whether the settlement will genuinely reform Power Home Remodeling’s approach to telemarketing.

From the industry’s perspective, the litigation and subsequent settlement have undoubtedly sent ripples through the sector, prompting companies to reassess their own business practices. Industry insiders seem to agree that this case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA).

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