Lawsuit Clear Choice Dental

In this lawsuit, ClearChoice faces allegations of deceptive marketing and subpar dental implant services, with plaintiffs seeking damages and corrective action, highlighting the case’s ongoing significance in the dental industry.

The clear choice in a dental lawsuit centers around the company’s promotional tactics and the quality of care provided, pointing to a significant breach of trust between the provider and its clients. Plaintiffs, who are former patients, argue that ClearChoice’s marketing materials promised outcomes that weren’t delivered, leading to financial and emotional distress.

The cause of action includes claims of false advertising, negligence, and breach of contract, among others. Those affected are demanding financial compensation for their losses, along with demands for ClearChoice to amend its marketing strategies and improve service standards.

The current status of the lawsuit remains active, with legal proceedings underway to address these serious allegations.

Clear Choice Dental Lawsuit Explanation

The core issues stem from allegations of trademark infringement and unfair competition practices against Clear Choice Dental, PLLC by ClearChoice Holdings, LLC. The lawsuit filed highlights a significant legal battle over the use of the Clear Choice brand name, which ClearChoice Holdings claims to have federally registered trademarks for, particularly in the field of dental implants.

The defendant, operating a dentistry practice in Bellaire, Texas, found themselves at the center of this legal dispute. The lawsuit seeks damages for the alleged infringement, with a court eventually ruling in favor of ClearChoice Holdings. A damages hearing revealed the extent of the financial impact, with an award of $70,000 being deemed appropriate. This figure represented one year of the defendant’s profits, a decision that reflects the court’s attempt to quantify the economic damage caused by the trademark infringement.

However, it’s notable that the court stopped short of granting treble damages, indicating a measured approach to penalizing the defendant while still addressing the infringement.

Parties involved

At the heart of this dispute is ClearChoice Management Services, LLC, a key player in the Clear Choice Dental Implant market, standing as the plaintiff. This entity, closely tied to the operations and brand of ClearChoice Holdings, has initiated legal action against Nuvia MSO, LLC, and NIC-Dallas, PLLC, positioning them as the defendants.

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The legal representatives further explain the complexities of this case: Rebecca L. Adams defends the accused parties, while Brian A. Colao, Israel R. Silvas, and Tara Kern lead the plaintiff’s legal strategy.

Additionally, an individual plaintiff, Gail Windham, adds another layer to the proceedings, suggesting a multifaceted legal battle with both corporate and personal dimensions.

This constellation of parties underscores the lawsuit’s potential implications for the dental implant industry, particularly concerning ClearChoice Holdings’ market position and operational integrity. The involvement of specialized attorneys on both sides hints at the case’s complexity and the legal intricacies expected to unfold.

The cause of action

ClearChoice Holdings, LLC’s lawsuit centers on allegations of trademark infringement and related claims against Clear Choice Dental, PLLC, spotlighting a critical dispute over brand identity and intellectual property rights in the dental implant industry.

The plaintiff, who owns ClearChoice Management Services, LLC, which supports a choice of dental implant centers, holds four federally registered trademarks. These marks are integral to their branding and, by extension, their market presence.

The lawsuit, filed in District Court, articulates a series of grievances. At its core, it accuses Clear Choice Dental, PLLC, a dental practice based in Bellaire, Texas, of unauthorized use of the ClearChoice Dental Implant trademarks. This allegedly includes the use of copyrighted materials without permission, leading to confusion among consumers and potentially diluting the plaintiff’s brand value.

Relief being sought

Having explored the cause of action in ClearChoice Holdings, LLC’s lawsuit, let’s now examine the relief they’re seeking to address the alleged trademark infringement and its impact on their brand.

ClearChoice isn’t only looking to rectify the current situation but is also taking steps to prevent future occurrences. They’re aiming for treble damages under the Lanham Act, which underscores the severity of the infringement in their eyes. This provision allows for damages to be tripled, emphasizing the punitive and deterrent aspects of the relief sought.

Moreover, ClearChoice is seeking a permanent injunction against the defendant. This would legally prohibit further infringement, aiming to halt any ongoing or future misuse of the ClearChoice trademark. Such a step is critical to safeguarding their brand identity and ensuring the exclusivity of their trademark.

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They’re also pursuing attorney fees and costs of the action under the Lanham Act. This is quite telling; it suggests that ClearChoice Management Services is prepared to go to great lengths, financially and legally, to protect its brand.

Key events and timeline

The lawsuit began when ClearChoice filed a complaint alleging that a competitor had unlawfully used its trademark, which they argued could confuse consumers and dilute the brand’s value. This pivotal moment marked the commencement of a legal battle that would unfold over several months.

Following the initial filing, the court scheduled a preliminary hearing, where both parties presented their arguments. ClearChoice’s legal team argued forcefully, presenting evidence they believed proved the infringement wasn’t only clear but also damaging to their business. The defendant countered, challenging the uniqueness of the trademark and asserting their right to use the disputed terms.

As the lawsuit progressed, key developments included the court’s denial of an immediate injunction against the defendant, a decision that allowed them to continue using the trademark pending the outcome of the case. This was a significant setback for ClearChoice, but they pressed on, refining their legal strategy and gathering more evidence to support their claim.

The culmination of these events led to a final court ruling, the details of which shaped the lawsuit’s outcome and set precedents for future trademark litigation. Throughout, the focus remained on the meticulous examination of legal principles and the protection of brand identity.

Key arguments

The allegations are grounded in the assertion that Clear Choice Dental, PLLC, through its operations in Bellaire, Texas, has intentionally created confusion or deception among consumers. This confusion is purported to stem from the defendant’s use of a similar name, social media, and internet presence, which allegedly infringes upon the federally registered trademarks owned and licensed by the plaintiff to its dental implant centers.

The plaintiff’s demand for $70,000, representing a year of the defendant’s profits, alongside a permanent injunction, underscores the severity of the alleged infringements. However, the court’s stance on treble damages and the consideration of prejudgment interest highlight the judicial system’s nuanced approach to addressing trademark violations.

Lawsuit Clear Choice Dental

Current status

The Clear Choice Dental lawsuit, now marked Disposed—Otherosed, represents a significant milestone in the ongoing legal saga between ClearChoice Management Services, LLC, and Nuvia MSO, LLC, alongside NIC-Dallas, PLLC, revealing the complexities of trademark disputes within the dental industry.

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Filed in the Dallas County District Courts and overseen by Judge Monica Purdy, this case has unfolded with intricate legal maneuvers and financial assessments. Specifically, ClearChoice Management Services, LLC’s financial records have shown a total assessment of $365.00, fully matched by payments and credits, indicating the financial undertakings involved in this litigation.

As it stands, the current status, Disposed—Otherisposed, signals a closure to this chapter of the dispute, yet it leaves a significant imprint on the legal landscape of the dental service industry. The allegations levied in this lawsuit brought to light serious concerns, setting a precedent for how similar cases might be addressed in the future.


The implications of this lawsuit extend beyond the immediate financial and operational consequences for Clear Choice Dental, PLLC. It highlights the rigorous enforcement of intellectual property rights and the substantial risks businesses face when they infringe upon such rights.

The court’s award of $70,000 to the plaintiff, based on one year of the defendant’s profits, and the injunctive relief granted emphasize the importance of respecting federally registered trademarks. This decision serves as a clear warning to other entities within the dental and broader healthcare industries about the consequences of trademark infringement, including potential financial penalties and mandatory operational changes.

Furthermore, the lawsuit underscores the necessity for businesses to conduct thorough research and due diligence before adopting a brand name. It’s a reminder that overlooking such critical steps can lead to significant legal challenges and financial liabilities.


From my analysis, dental professionals seem to be divided. Some support ClearChoice, arguing that the lawsuit’s claims are exaggerated and fail to acknowledge the brand’s contributions to advancing dental implant technology. Others, however, see this as a wake-up call for stricter regulatory oversight to ensure patient safety and transparency in dental care services.

Patients who’ve considered or received dental implants from ClearChoice are understandably concerned. Many are seeking more information, reassurances about the safety and efficacy of their treatments, or even contemplating legal action themselves.

Consumer advocacy groups have been vocal, demanding greater accountability and clearer information for patients considering dental implications.

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