Lawsuit Mygirlfund

In a significant legal battle, USF has filed a lawsuit against Ralph Puglisi, his family members, and several other defendants, aiming to recoup $12.8 million embezzled and spent on

The case revolves around claims arising from Puglisi’s tenure as an accountant, during which he diverted funds meant for the university to his personal use, funneling significant amounts into the adult website.

The parties embroiled in this lawsuit include USF, Puglisi, his stepson, his wife, and multiple defendants implicated in the misuse of the embezzled funds.

The cause of action centers on the allegations that Puglisi, with the knowledge or involvement of the co-defendants, misappropriated university funds. USF seeks relief through the recovery of the full amount stolen.

The lawsuit’s current status is active, with proceedings underway to address motions for summary judgment, while Puglisi serves a 10-year sentence for his criminal actions.

Mygirlfund Lawsuit explanation

The lawsuit against Ralph Puglisi and his family, stemming from embezzling $12.8 million from the University of South Florida (USF), marks a pivotal case in addressing the misuse of funds and seeking restitution for the financial damages incurred.

This legal action underscores a significant breach of contract, as Puglisi, a former accountant at USF, admitted to one count of mail fraud, resulting in a 10-year sentence. The depth of his deceit involved funneling stolen money through thousands of transactions to an adult website,, among other personal expenditures.

USF’s allegations extend to Puglisi’s family, accusing them of utilizing the embezzled funds for lavish personal gains, including real estate and luxury items. This broadens the case’s scope, highlighting collective responsibility and the breach of trust and contract.

The ongoing proceedings, featuring motions for summary judgment, aim to recover the stolen funds from all parties involved, underscoring the gravity of financial accountability and the need for stringent processes to deter such fraudulent activities.

Parties involved

At the core of this intricate legal battle is the University of South Florida (USF), which sues former accountant Puglisi and his family for embezzling $12.8 million, funneling a significant portion into The lawsuit extends beyond Puglisi to include his family, who are alleged to have benefited from the embezzled funds, thus becoming defendants in USF’s efforts to reclaim the stolen money. Puglisi’s stepson and his wife have publicly denied any knowledge of the misappropriated funds, highlighting the complexities of the case.

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Moreover, the lawsuit encompasses more than a dozen other defendants, including Puglisi’s ex-wife and various websites implicated in the embezzlement scheme, aiming to recover the siphoned money. Central to this case are the entities operating, MGF, LLC, and MGF UK, LTD, which find themselves entangled in legal proceedings over their platform’s involvement.

The cause of action

The main contention of USF’s legal strategy is that Puglisi was the mastermind of a sizable embezzlement scheme. Over six years, starting in 2014, Puglisi, as a trusted accountant, admitted to siphoning off $12.8 million from USF, channeling a significant portion of these illicit funds into transactions on the adult website

Delving deeper into the legal mechanics, the lawsuit’s backbone appears to revolve around the concept of breach of warranty. This implies that Puglisi, by virtue of his employment, had a fiduciary duty to manage USF’s financial resources prudently and lawfully.

His actions, as outlined in the complaint, flagrantly violated this duty, leading to the legal assertion that Puglisi and the co-defendants not only misappropriated university funds but also breached the inherent warranty of his position to act in the university’s best interest.

Relief being sought

USF aims to recoup the embezzled funds by targeting Ralph Puglisi, his family, and the websites involved in the fraudulent transactions. The university isn’t only seeking to recover the stolen money; it is also focused on holding all parties accountable for their actions.

This includes Puglisi’s stepson and his wife, from whom USF is trying to retrieve an alleged $120,000 spent on lavish personal expenses. The civil lawsuit delves into these expenditures, highlighting a down payment on a home, wedding costs, a new car, and rent for a New York City apartment as focal points of financial recovery.

The lawsuit’s broader objectives extend beyond mere financial restitution. USF is pushing for a legal resolution that emphasizes accountability and the implementation of more robust processes to deter future embezzlement. The university’s motions suggest that the couple’s reliance on their Fifth Amendment rights should negatively influence the court’s perception, arguing for an adverse inference.

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Moreover, USF’s pursuit of summary judgment motions indicates a strategy aimed at resolving the case efficiently without the need for a trial.

Key events and timeline

It all started with Ralph Puglisi’s admission of guilt after embezzling $12.8 million from the University of South Florida (USF). Puglisi confessed to one count of mail fraud, resulting in a 10-year sentence.

This confession set off a series of legal actions aimed at recovering the misappropriated assets. USF initiated a civil lawsuit to reclaim the embezzled funds, highlighting how Puglisi’s family allegedly benefited from the stolen money. They used it for various personal expenses, including property damage repairs, a down payment on a home, wedding costs, and a new car purchase.

This lawsuit encompasses more than a dozen defendants, including Puglisi’s ex-wife and several websites implicated in facilitating the embezzlement scheme. As the legal dispute plays out, USF claims that Puglisi’s family was aware of the source of the funds, but their defense claims that Puglisi misled them.

Current proceedings involve motions for summary judgment, with the university pushing for accountability and the establishment of stronger oversight processes to prevent future incidents of this nature.

Key arguments

The contention centers on whether Puglisi’s family had prior knowledge of the embezzled funds’ origins. Ralph Puglisi’s act of embezzling $12.8 million from the University of South Florida (USF) forms the backbone of this legal battle. By pleading guilty to mail fraud and receiving a 10-year sentence, Puglisi’s actions have cast a shadow over his family, implicating them in the controversy.

To recover the stolen money, USF filed a civil lawsuit against Puglisi as well as his stepson, wife, and more than a dozen defendants, including websites.

The heart of the debate lies in the defendants’ awareness of the funds’ illicit nature. While USF argues that the embezzled money, which was funneled through credit cards, among other methods, was knowingly enjoyed by Puglisi’s family for personal gains, the defense maintains their innocence, asserting they were deceived by Puglisi.

Lawsuit Mygirlfund

Current status

The civil case against Ralph Puglisi, his family, and over a dozen other defendants, including websites tied to the embezzlement scheme, is ongoing. USF’s aim to recover the stolen funds has led to a complex legal battle, with motions for summary judgment currently under consideration.

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Analyzing the situation, it’s evident that the university is seeking not only the return of the embezzled $12.8 million but also potentially punitive damages. These punitive damages, if awarded, would serve as a punishment beyond the actual financial loss and act as a deterrent against similar fraudulent activities in the future.

Given Puglisi’s admission of guilt and his current incarceration, the lawsuit’s focus is now on how much of the stolen funds can be recovered from the involved parties.

The involvement of websites like in the lawsuit highlights the intricate web of transactions Puglisi used to misappropriate the funds.


Understanding the far-reaching implications of this embezzlement scheme, we see a multifaceted impact on the University of South Florida, from financial losses to reputational damage. The university’s financial integrity is under scrutiny, forcing a reevaluation of internal controls and audit processes to prevent future occurrences. This incident not only drains the university’s coffers, potentially affecting its budget for educational programs and research, but also incurs significant attorney fees in pursuing the civil lawsuit aimed at recovering the stolen funds.

For Ralph Puglisi’s family, the implications are deeply personal and financially crippling. Facing a civil lawsuit to recover the embezzled money means defending against allegations of unjust enrichment.

The involvement of other defendants complicates the legal landscape, indicating a protracted process of untangling the web of responsibility and accountability. The implications here aren’t just financial but also legal, as each party’s defense strategy can significantly impact the case’s outcome, including potential motions for summary judgment.


Expert witnesses, with their specialized knowledge, have provided crucial insights into how Puglisi executed the scheme over six years, significantly impacting the case’s direction. Their analyses haven’t only helped in understanding the technical aspects of embezzlement but also in shaping the legal strategies of both the prosecution and defense teams.

Stakeholders, including USF and the implicated family members, have had varied reactions, ranging from shock and denial to a proactive approach to seeking justice and recovering the stolen funds.

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