Lawsuit Agridime

The SEC filed charges against Agridime LLC, Josh Link, and Jed Wood, accusing them of executing a massive $191 million cattle Ponzi scheme. Allegedly, these parties misappropriated investor funds for undisclosed commissions and Ponzi payments.

The SEC’s cause of action is clear:

  1. Stop the defendants’ fraudulent activities.
  2. Recover misappropriated funds.
  3. Protect affected investors.

Agridime Lawsuit explanation

Agridime LLC allegedly orchestrated a massive $191 million cattle Ponzi scheme, leaving more than 2,100 investors in financial turmoil. According to the SEC, this colossal scheme spanned across 15 states, promising investors unrealistic returns on cattle investments. Actual operations did not back up these promises, which resulted in sizable financial losses for the investors.

The defendants reportedly diverted investor funds for undisclosed commissions, exacerbating the financial losses. Upon discovering this, the SEC swiftly intervened. Their legal actions sought injunctions, disgorgement, civil penalties, and officer-and-director bars against the culprits involved.

In a critical move to halt the ongoing Ponzi scheme, the court granted emergency relief. This included a temporary restraining order, an asset freeze, and the appointment of a receiver. This drastic action was necessary to prevent further harm to investors and to secure any remaining assets for potential recovery.

Parties involved

The key players in the Agridime lawsuit include Agridime LLC, its owners, Josh Link and Jed Wood, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The defendants in this case, Agridime LLC and its owners, are at the center of a lawsuit involving cattle investments that raised $191 million from over 2,100 investors.

The SEC, acting as the regulatory authority, has charged the defendants with conducting unregistered securities offerings and diverting investor funds for Ponzi payments, representing the SEC’s role in enforcing securities laws and protecting investors.

But the story doesn’t end there. Link and Wood are also accused of using investor funds for undisclosed sales commissions, a serious allegation that adds further complexity to the lawsuit. They allegedly failed to deliver on promised returns, leading to charges of fraud.

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The cause of action

In the heart of the Agridime lawsuit, you find allegations of conducting unregistered securities offerings, a serious violation of US securities laws. Agridime is accused of using investor funds inappropriately, including for undisclosed commissions and Ponzi scheme payments. This misuse of funds led to legal charges against the company.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) stepped in, securing a temporary restraining order against Agridime. This action was necessary to prevent further violations of securities laws. All of this turmoil arose from Agridime’s operations, which involved cattle investment contracts.

The company had managed to raise over $191 million from 2,100 investors spread across 15 states. These investors were lured in with promises of high returns on their investments, ranging from 15% to 32%. Unfortunately, Agridime’s actual operations did not support these returns, which strengthened the accusations against the company.

Relief being sought

Three main points sum up the measures the SEC is requesting:

  1. Disgorgement of ill-gotten gains: You should understand this as the repayment of profits obtained illegally, which would strip the defendants of their fraudulent earnings from the scheme.
  2. Civil penalties: This is a form of punishment aimed at holding the defendants accountable for their actions.
  3. Officer-and-director bars: These are intended to prevent the defendants from engaging in future fraudulent activities.

Additionally, the court has granted emergency relief, issuing a temporary restraining order and an asset freeze to safeguard the investors’ interests. These measures are all part of the SEC’s broader strategy to combat fraud and ensure investor protection. The aim is clear: to hold Agridime LLC and its officers accountable and ensure the disgorgement of any ill-gotten gains.

Key events and timeline

The SEC, stepping in to protect investors, initially obtained a temporary restraining order against Agridime. This order, a critical step in the Agridime lawsuit timeline, was a swift reaction to perceived misconduct by the company.

A U.S. District Judge then issued a preliminary injunction against Agridime, Josh Link, and Jed Wood. This move created a legal barrier, preventing the defendants from continuing their alleged malpractices. The court hearing for this preliminary injunction is scheduled for January 9, 2024.

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In the meantime, receivership efforts are underway. These are focused on identifying and protecting Agridime’s assets. It’s a crucial part of the process, ensuring that, if the lawsuit is successful, there will be funds to return to investors.

Lawsuit Agridime

Key arguments

As we explore the key arguments of the lawsuit, it’s important to note the central issue: Agridime’s alleged violations of securities laws through conducting unregistered offerings. This violation is at the heart of the SEC’s case against the company. The SEC claims that Agridime managed to raise millions from investors through unregistered offerings, which is a clear breach of securities laws.

The lawsuit also focuses on the misuse of investor funds. Agridime reportedly diverted these funds to:

  1. Ponzi scheme payments,
  2. Payment of undisclosed commissions,
  3. Other unauthorized uses.

This misdirection of funds wasn’t only unethical but also illegal, and it forms a significant part of the SEC’s case against Agridime.

Furthermore, Agridime’s cattle investment program is under scrutiny. The company promised annual returns of 15–32%, which seemed too good to be true. The SEC has found that the company lacked adequate operations to support these promises.

In response to these allegations, the SEC obtained a temporary restraining order against Agridime, citing violations of antifraud and registration provisions. This move serves to protect investors and uphold the integrity of the securities laws.

Current status

Amid their legal battles, Agridime LLC, Josh Link, and Jed Wood are currently staring down the barrel of an SEC lawsuit for orchestrating a $191 million cattle Ponzi scheme. The SEC has swiftly responded by securing a temporary restraining order against them, freezing their assets, and appointing a receiver, Steve Fahey.

Fahey’s priority is to preserve Agridime’s assets, which include cattle, meat inventory, real estate, and equipment. This is to ensure that once the legal proceedings are over, recovery efforts for the investors can begin.

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A pivotal moment is coming up—a preliminary injunction hearing scheduled for January 9, 2024. This will address the ongoing legal issues surrounding Wood, Link, and Agridime LLC. It’s a tangled web, but the aim is clear. The SEC is doing everything in its power to rectify this situation and make sure justice is served in the Agridime lawsuit.


With the SEC’s legal actions leading to a temporary restraining order and asset freeze against Agridime, the company’s operations are severely hamstrung. This, coupled with the loss of their livestock agent license in North Dakota, puts Agridime in a precarious position financially and reputationally.

The implications for investors are equally severe. You, along with investors across 15 states, are facing significant financial losses due to the alleged Ponzi scheme.

  1. The lawsuit alleges that Agridime owes you and other investors $123 million in principal and $24 million in profits.
  2. The SEC aims to protect you, the investor, and recover funds lost in the $191 million cattle Ponzi scheme.
  3. However, the recovery of these funds may be a lengthy process due to the complexity of these legal actions.


Undoubtedly, the news of the $191 million cattle Ponzi scheme operated by Agridime LLC, Josh Link, and Jed Wood hit investors like a bolt from the blue. You, along with many others, were shocked and dismayed to discover the extent of the financial deception.

Your concern quickly turned to recovery efforts. How could you recoup the substantial financial losses incurred by this fraudulent scheme? The appointment of a receiver brought a glimmer of hope, suggesting that some form of restitution might be possible.

Yet the ongoing investigation triggered unease. Was there more to be revealed about the diversion of funds? The misleading promises of significant returns initially lured you in, convincing you to invest in a seemingly prosperous cattle business. Now, those promises were exposed as nothing more than a cruel illusion.

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