Mlb.Tv Class Action Lawsuit

The MLB.TV class action lawsuit centers on allegations that Major League Baseball unlawfully shared subscribers’ viewing data with Facebook, sparking a legal battle over privacy rights and data protection. The parties involved include as the defendant and a class of MLB.TV subscribers as plaintiffs, who argue their privacy was compromised without consent.

The cause of action is primarily rooted in alleged violations of digital privacy laws and consumer protection statutes, focusing on the unauthorized distribution of personal viewing habits.

To prevent future unauthorized data sharing and make up for the alleged privacy violations, the plaintiffs are requesting both monetary damages and injunctive relief.

The current status of the lawsuit is pending as legal proceedings continue to unfold, with both sides preparing their arguments and evidence to support their claims.

Mlb.Tv Class Action Lawsuit explanation

The lawsuit against MLB.TV centers on allegations of anticompetitive practices that purportedly limit viewer access to live baseball games. Delving into the specifics, this class action lawsuit claims MLB.TV’s arrangements with regional sports networks effectively enforce blackout restrictions that prevent fans in certain areas from watching their local teams.

This situation, I find, not only frustrates passionate fans but also raises significant questions about the fairness and competitiveness of such practices in the digital streaming landscape.

Moreover, the lawsuit touches on sensitive issues of privacy, particularly regarding the Video Privacy Protection Act. It alleges that engaged in unauthorized data sharing with third parties, including Facebook, without user consent.

Parties involved

At the heart of this proposed class action is, the official site of Major League Baseball, which finds itself embroiled in allegations related to privacy infringement. The plaintiff, James Hayes, has taken the initiative to file the lawsuit in federal court, asserting that has violated the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA). This act is designed to safeguard consumers’ viewing records, highlighting the seriousness of the claims against

The lawsuit isn’t just a solitary effort by Hayes; it seeks to represent a larger group affected by the alleged privacy breaches, hence its classification as a class action. The law firm championing this cause, Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane, is known for tackling intricate privacy-related cases, suggesting a robust legal strategy against Their involvement brings a level of expertise and dedication to the proceedings that could significantly impact the outcome.

The cause of action

Several factors converge to form the basis of the lawsuit against, notably the alleged infringement of the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) by the platform.

Major League Baseball Advanced Media, the entity behind, is accused of not adhering to the federal Video Privacy Protection guidelines, which are designed to safeguard users’ personal information. The lawsuit asserts that the platform violated these federal video privacy norms by improperly handling subscribers’ data.

The crux of the class action hinges on the assertion that didn’t obtain explicit consent from its users before disclosing their viewing habits and personal information to third parties. This action is purported to have breached the trust of the subscribers and violated their privacy rights under the VPPA.

Relief being sought

The relief being sought by attorneys on behalf of the affected users is notably tailored to address the potential privacy violations committed by Major League Baseball Advanced Media. This includes the use of a tracking tool, notably the Meta pixel, that recorded user activities on their platforms and the alleged sharing of this data with Meta (formerly Facebook), which could contravene federal privacy laws designed to protect consumers.

The lawsuit aims for a resolution through mass arbitration rather than traditional court proceedings, suggesting a strategic approach to secure compensation for those impacted. Specifically, compensation under the Video Privacy Protection Act could amount to $2,500 for each affected individual, with the condition that attorneys are compensated only upon a successful claim.

Mlb.Tv Class Action Lawsuit

Key events and timeline

The lawsuit, which was initially filed against, revolved around accusations of sharing identifiable data with Facebook without user consent. This practice raised significant privacy concerns and led to the class action lawsuit.

The timeline began when users first noticed and reported the unauthorized sharing of their data. Following these reports, a formal class action lawsuit was filed, targeting for its practices. The legal documents detailed how allegedly shared viewers’ watching habits and identifiable information with Facebook, potentially violating privacy laws.

As the case progressed, there were several key hearings and motions. Notably, there was a pivotal moment when the plaintiffs moved to voluntarily dismiss the lawsuit. This decision was influenced by various factors, including legal strategies and potential settlement discussions.

Key arguments

Understanding the progression of the MLB.TV class action lawsuit lays the groundwork for analyzing the pivotal arguments at their core, particularly how the use of the meta pixel might violate privacy laws. At the heart of the class action lawsuit against, the contention revolves around the allegation of MLB employing the Meta pixel—a tracking tool—to not just scrutinize user behavior on its platform but also to purportedly disclose this gathered data to Facebook. This action, if proven true, raises significant concerns over user privacy.

The crux of the argument hinges on whether’s alleged sharing of non-personally identifiable data with a social media giant like Facebook, without explicit user consent, stands in violation of existing privacy laws, such as the Video Privacy Protection Act. This legislation is designed to safeguard users against unauthorized tracking and data sharing, especially concerning their digital footprints on streaming services.

Furthermore, the ability of the Meta pixel to track users’ interactions, including the videos they watched, and potentially share these insights with Facebook underlines a broader debate about the transparency and ethical boundaries of data usage by online platforms.

Current status

Despite the potential implications for privacy law and online data practices, the proposed class action lawsuit against was voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff in early February 2023. This development marked a significant turn in the case, which had accused of improperly disclosing users’ identifiable data to Facebook without their consent.

The current status of this lawsuit is that it’s officially closed, following a voluntary dismissal with prejudice by the plaintiff on February 10, 2023, effectively ending the legal battle before it could fully unfold.

Major League Baseball Advanced Media had argued for the case’s dismissal, pointing to the plaintiff’s lack of standing and failure to state a claim that warranted legal action. Their motion to dismiss in favor of arbitration underscored the challenges of proving violations of privacy in the digital age, especially when consent and data handling practices are involved.

The case closure was formalized on February 13, after the plaintiff’s counsel filed a three-page notice of dismissal with the Honorable Steven C. Seeger in an Illinois court.


The implications of this class action lawsuit against MLB Advanced Media for disclosing identifiable data without consent are significant and multifaceted. Firstly, it’s poised to catalyze improvements in data protection across streaming platforms. By spotlighting the risks and consequences of mishandling user data, the lawsuit serves as a stark reminder to services like and potentially even larger entities such as Facebook, underscoring the importance of privacy.

The awareness this case generates among users about their data privacy rights is another critical outcome. It’s likely to empower consumers, making them more vigilant and demanding about how their data is treated. This heightened user awareness could, in turn, pressure streaming services to adopt more transparent and secure data practices.

Moreover, by setting a precedent for handling user data, this lawsuit might influence future legal frameworks and regulatory policies related to streaming services. The ripple effects could extend beyond MLB.TV, encouraging a reevaluation of privacy practices industry-wide.


Users are now weighing the implications of participating in the lawsuit, particularly in light of the potential $2,500 compensation under the Video Privacy Protection Act.

On platforms like Facebook, where the heart of the controversy lies, reactions are mixed. Some users express outrage at the thought of disclosing identifiable data without consent, viewing it as a blatant disregard for user privacy. Others, however, seem more focused on the potential for compensation, discussing the merits of opting for mass arbitration over a lawsuit.

The complexity of reactions underscores the broader debate about privacy in the digital age. With every new detail that emerges, users are prompted to reconsider their relationship with platforms and the extent to which their data is exposed.

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